Toaster |
Birthday: Probably born in 2006.
Height: 14.5 hands
Color: Black
Special Feature: She has a beautiful thick mane and tail.
Lady |
Birthday: Probably in 1997.
Height: 15 hands
Color: Palomino
Special Feature: She is a trustworthy horse for trail rides.
Bella |
Birthday: Probably in 2007.
Height: 15 hands
Color: Dark Brown
Special Feature: She has a wonderful disposition.
Get the Candy |
Birthday: April 13, 1995.
Height: 16.5 hands
Color: Brown with a white blaze and one white sock
Favorite Food: Horse Candy.
Special Feature: She is a former race horse. Her registered name is Get the Candy
Biscuit |
Birthday: 2010
Color: Dark Brown and White
Special Feature: He is very inquisitive and could be part pony!
Wendy |
Birthday: Probably in 1995.
Height: 12 hands
Color: Brown
Special Feature: She has a lot of spunk and attitude.
Commanche War Chief |
Birthday: April 30, 1995
Height: 16 hands
Weight: 1400 lbs
Color: Sorrel and White Paint
Job: Chief leads the trail rides, making sure the route is safe.
Favorite Food: Horse Cookies. But he will eat anything!
Special Feature: Chief has a great personality and a commanding presence. He is always first in line for both photos and treats. If Chief were a person, he would be Captain of the Football Team.
Lots of Dots |
Birthday: Probably born in 2005. We celebrate on April 1st
Height: 14.5 hands
Weight: 1200 lbs
Color: Tri-colored Leopard Appaloosa
Job: Lots of Dots is a great horse for visitors to ride on trails and in the arena.
Favorite Food: Carrots and Horse Cookies
Special Feature: When Dots has his winter coat, the brown dots get longer than his white coat! He also has a dot on his hindquarters that looks like a heart.
If Lots of Dots were a person, he would be a movie star.
Midnight |
Birthday: Probably born in 1995. We celebrate on May 5th
Height: 15 hands
Weight: 1300 lbs
Color: Black with a white strip on his face and a white muzzle
Job: Midnight is our teaching horse for beginning riders.
Favorite Food: Grain
Special Feature: Midnight knows how to work cattle. He isn't intimidated by cows or bulls at all!
If Midnight were a person, he would be the one you could trust the most.
Moonwalker |
Birthday: June 2009. We celebrate June 10th
Height: 14 hands - But he is still growing!
Weight: 1000 lbs
Color: Champagne Palomino
Job: Keeping the other horses playing! He is just starting his training to be ridden.
Favorite Food: Alfalfa
Special Feature: He is best friends with Biscuit. And, he likes to be kissed on the nose.
If Moonwalker were a person, he would be your best friend.